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A Lazarus Soul

A Lazarus Soul

County: Dublin

Decades Active: 2000s, 2010s, 2020s

Dublin five piece formed by frontman Brian Brennigan in 2001, second album 'Graveyard of burnt out cars' out in 2006

About A Lazarus Soul

From A Lazarus Soul's MySpace page:A Lazarus Soul was formed in Dublin, in 2001 by Brian Brannigan and released their debut album "alazarussoul record" within a year. Gaining favourable reviews and airplay, the album allowed Brannigan to secure some of Dublin's finest underground musicians. The next few years saw them open for the likes of Echo & the Bunnymen,the Ordinary boys and Gallon Drunk, Ex-Girl and as well as close the Hard Working Class Hero's 2004 (The Irish equivilent of CMJ or ITC). Three years were spent writing and crafting their second album, Graveyard of burnt out cars. The demo's of which received lots of national airplay including Xfm London(John Kennedy) and also chosen for Tin records 07 compilation. Graveyard of burnt out cars will be unleased in 2006.


  1. Brian Brannigan - Vocals
  2. Bryan McMahon - Keyboards
  3. Tony Hegarty - Bass Guitar
  4. Joey Wilson - Guitars
  5. Fin O'Leary - Drums


A Lazarus Soul - Icon video


the he wrote on 2007-04-25 00:00:00:
absolutley amazing
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