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Archie The Leper

Archie The Leper

County: Down

Genre: Heavy Metal/Hard Rock

Decades Active: 1980s

Downpatrick heavy metal outfit active 1980-84

About Archie The Leper

Archie The Leper were an early 80's heavy metal band from Downpatrick influenced by the NWOBHM scene. They recorded a demo 'Ecstacy' in '83. Additional recordings existed in the early '80s, but are now considered to be lost.

Bassist, Peter Manley, went on to form another metal outfit, White Roxx. Drummer and guitarist, John Manley and Ed Hodget, joined a band called Joker. Their songs "Stand Up and Fight" and "Cry Wolf" were part of White Roxx's setlist in the mid-'80s.


Archie The Leper - Ecstacy (1983)


Thomas wrote on 2017-09-03 00:00:00:
I saw Archie the Leper in the Bodega, Larne. There were 3 Bands on that night. Archie had 2 Lead Guitarists, there were 5 Members in the Group. They did one of their own songs, something to do with the Rambo Movies. They were Bloody Fantastic!
Irish Rocker wrote on 2016-05-18 00:00:00:
Archie The Leper - Ecstacy 1983 - now available on Youtube
James Christopher Taggart wrote on 2007-08-13 00:00:00:
And guitarist Jim Taggart went back to Canada, where he now searches for a new band to jam with in Toronto!
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