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Betamax Format

Betamax Format

County: Dublin

Decades Active: 2000s

Betamax Format create synth driven psyche punk workouts with vocals sometimes thrown in for good measure

About Betamax Format

Betamax Format was an electro-rock band from Dublin. The band formed around 2005 and the lineup included Darren Maloney [Vocals], Jarlath Cantwell [Bass Guitar & Synth], Niall McDonald [Guitar & Vocals], Gareth Mulldowney [Drums] and Barry O'Brien [Bass Guitar]. Darren had previously played synthesizers with Estel. When the band formed, they were writing stuff that sounded like horror movie soundtracks from the late seventies and early eighties. The band's first big gigs were when they toured Ireland supporting The Wedding Present. At that stage the band were just starting to add vocals into the mix as they initially had been an an instrumental band.

The band's first single was entitled 'XXX Robot' and was released on Risc Records.

Over the coming years, the band would go on to play live regularly, including the Hard Working Class Heroes Festival in 2006. Betamax Format also contributed tracks to a number of compilations such as 'Red Bridge' [2005], 'Music For Long Ears' [2006] and 'IMRO Showcase Tour 2008'.

However, the band eventually came to an end with Darren going on to form Last Days Of 1984 and Barry concentrating on Seeping Into Cinemas.


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