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County: Dublin

Decades Active: 1990s

Dublin band formed in 1997

About Blew

Four Dubliners came together in 1997 to form Blew, and within a few years had jump-started their career by winning a band competition. Blew topped its opposition in a contest sponsored by Bacardi and Hot Press for unplugged band of the year. The group later received a nomination from the Hot Press Music Awards for best new band.

The group was composed of Marc Roche on lead vocals and rhythm guitar, Rob Quinn on vocals and lead guitar, drummer Tiarnan Johnston, and bassist Shane Cullen. By the summer of 1999 the group put out a self-titled EP. "Designer Label" became the first single, followed by "Time to Pass the Time."


spvmm wrote on 2015-07-17 00:00:00:
More commonly known as The Blew. Four piece from Killiney, Dublin - Marc Roche (vocals), Rob Quinn (guitar), Shane Cullen (bass) and Tiernan Johnston (drums). Produced at least 2 demos, played by Dave Fanning on 2FM and recorded Phantom FM session.
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