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Cactus World News

County: Dublin

Decades Active: 1980s, 1990s

One of the bands U2's Bono was promoting in the mid to late 80's

About Cactus World News

Their first release, and best-known song was "The Bridge", which was produced by Bono, and released on their Mother Records label. They toured the UK with The Cult in 1985 and signed with MCA Records. They performed at the Self Aid concert in Dublin in 1986. The band released their debut album, Urban Beaches, in 1986 and gained notable hits with its three singles: "Years Later", "Worlds Apart" and a re-recording of "The Bridge". All three singles reached the UK Singles Chart.

After their second album, No Shelter, was shelved in 1989, the band were released from their recording contract and underwent several personnel changes. MacAindris and Sheehy both quit in 1989. McEvoy and Kearns continued for a few more years, with various other band members coming and going, including Chris McGoldrick (bass), John Doyle (bass) and JJ Collier (drums).


Cactus World News - Years Later

Cactus World News - Worlds Apart


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