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Deaf Animal Orchestra

Deaf Animal Orchestra

County: Waterford

Decades Active: 2000s

Popular indie rock band from Waterford City

About Deaf Animal Orchestra

Formed in Waterford 2006, have released a number of single eps and downloads throughout 07 and 08 and have been receiving rave reviews and support from Irish radio,TV and media alike.

Deaf Animal Orchestra revel in creating unashamedly big, adventurous songs. Soaring, soulful vocals and textured guitars are matched by a bombastic rhythm section.

The band originally started out in 2006 as a stripped-down rock three-piece playing hard, loud and fast. The addition of a fourth member expanded the band's ambitions for their studio and live sound.

They released the singles All Together Now / The Madman and Falling Asleep / Morning Running in 2006 and No Wit Can Save Me Now a split single with Shane Barry & The Distractions in 2009.

After Deaf Animal Orchestra disbanded Joe Harney continued as a solo artist Deaf Joe, and released a number of albums.


  1. Joe Harney [aka Deaf Joe] (vocals, guitar)
  2. Alan Davy (bass)
  3. Niall Hogan (drums)
  4. Alex Soikans (guitar)


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Mairtin wrote on 2009-06-09 00:00:00:
Another excellent single out now A classic tune chaps!...and another tasty review on the Forums Review I wonder who wrote that...?
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