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Funky Junction

Funky Junction

County: Dublin

Genre: Heavy Metal/Hard Rock

Decades Active: 1970s

A makeshift band consisting of the first incarnation of Thin Lizzy with addition of vocalist and keyboards from the Dublin band Elmer Fudd came together to release a tribute to Deep Purple album

About Funky Junction

Basically the first version of Thin Lizzy with Benny White on vocals and Dave Lennox on keyboards (both were in Elmer Fudd). Brought together to make 'Play a tribute to Deep Purple' which features some early Purple songs and some of their own curios.

Thin Lizzy were struggling financially at the time and this project was designed to bring in some money. The makeshift group was given the name Funky Junction and a photo of an entirely different band was put on the cover of the album.

An interesting track on the album is one of their own tracks, 'Dan', which is an instrumental version of Danny Boy played by Eric Bell on lead guitar with lots of feedback in a similar way to how Hendrix approached The Star Spangled Banner, it's well worth checking out.


Funky Junction - Dan


tassosdb104 wrote on 2020-07-10 00:00:00:
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