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Garrett Wall

County: Dublin

Decades Active: 1990s, 2000s

Irish musician who relocated to Madrid

About Garrett Wall

Garrett Wall's debut album 'All of the Above' was released in 1995. It debuted Wall's acoustic approach to songwriting and brought him critical acclaim and media attention in his native Ireland. After signing an international publishing deal with Peermusic Ireland he moved on to an edgier, electric sound with the 1997 album 'Change', a much rockier and dynamic album scoring him several radio hits and culminating in a series of prestigious concerts throughout Europe and the U.S.

Wall relocated to Madrid where he recorded his third album, 'Gravity', released in 2002. His fourth album 'daytime, nighttime' was released in 2006.

His 2012 single You Turn Me On was used in a McDonald's ad campaign.

In Madrid Garret formed the Garrett Wall Band which was later renamed to Track Dogs.


Garrett Wall - You Turn Me On


David wall wrote on 2008-02-25 00:00:00:
Garrett is my uncle!!! didn't know he'd be on this
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