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Goats Don't Shave

Goats Don't Shave

County: Donegal

Decades Active: 1990s, 2010s, 2020s

Popular folk/folk rock group from Donegal had a big hit in the early 90s with Las Vegas in the hills of Donegal, Split up around 2000.

About Goats Don't Shave

Goats Don't Shave is an Irish folk rock band formed in 1990 in Dungloe, Co. Donegal, led by singer-songwriter Pat Gallagher. The band also includes musicians Charlie Logue, Declan Quinn, Gerry Coyle, Seán Doherty, Jason Philbin, and Michael Gallagher. They released two successful albums, The Rusty Razor (1992) and Out in the Open (1994), featuring popular songs like "Let the World Keep on Turning" and "Las Vegas (In the Hills of Donegal)."

The band's name originated from a humorous incident involving a local character, and they gained popularity through performances while balancing day jobs. After a hiatus starting in 1995, they released a third album, Tór, in 1998. Reuniting for the Mary From Dungloe International Festival in 2003, they officially reformed in 2012, releasing Songs from Earth in 2014 and performing extensively across Ireland and the UK. Their music remains widely covered and celebrated in various venues worldwide.


Goats Don't Shave - Las Vegas In The Hills Of Donegal


1 wrote on 2008-01-21 00:00:00:
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