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Johnny Fean

Also known as: Fean And Travers

County: Limerick

Decades Active: 1990s, 2000s, 2010s

Best known as guitarist of Horslips, formed a gigging partnership with Steve Travers as

About Johnny Fean

Johnny Fean, originally from Limerick, of course is best known as the guitarist of legendary Irish band Horslips. Prior to joining Horslips, Fean had been involved in the music scene in his native Limerick and was a member of local bands such as Sweet Street and Jeremiah Henry. Fean was into blues and rock and was also a traditional Irish musician.

After the initial break up of Horslips, Fean continued his musical career and was part of the groups Zen Alligators and Host which also featured other Horslips members. After Host dissolved, Johnny continued as a professional musician and recorded with different people. This included a 1985 album with Nikki Sudden and Simon Carmody (of The Golden Horde) called 'The Last Bandits In The World'.

In 1986 Johnny moved to England to play with a group called 'Treat' and later joined up with bassist Stephen Travers in a group called 'The Psychopats'. This resulted in Fean and Steve Travers forming a long lasting musical and gigging parthership. Steve Travers, from Carrick-on-Suir, County Tipperary, was a member of the Miami Showband who were the subject of a terrorist bombing in 1975 in which 3 members were killed and Travers was injured.

After returning to Ireland in 2001, Fean teamed up with his old band mates in the re-formed Horslips for occasional performances and 2004's 'Roll Back' album.

Johnny continued to gig with Steve under the name 'Fean & Travers' until Blendi Krasniq joined them on drums in 2007 after which they were called "The Johnny Fean Band".

Johnny Fean passed away on April 28th 2023.


Johnny Fean and Stephen Travers - I Am The One


Dean Savage wrote on 2012-03-11 00:00:00:
The two greatest Celtic Rock musicians on the planet.
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