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Light A Big Fire

Light A Big Fire

County: Dublin

Decades Active: 1980s

Eamonn Carr of Horslips fame was the manager of this 80's band

About Light A Big Fire

Formed in Dublin in 1982 when bass player Pat Driskin got together with a couple of friends, guitarist Pete Dench and drummer Ray Rowland. They were joined by singer Tom McLaughlin from Belfast and additional vocalists Daunta Grudrinska and Owen Conroy. They signed to Eamonn Carr's Hotwire Records in Ireland (Carr became one of their managers) and released a number of singles in Ireland as well as the mini-album, 'Gunpowders'. They signed an international deal with Siren Records and released the album 'Surveillance'.


Light A Big Fire - Mr Twilight

Light A Big Fire - C.I.A.

Comments wrote on 2020-03-26 00:00:00:
Excellent album!
Mikey O'Bryan wrote on 2011-05-16 00:00:00:
And another thing: If you openly support the anti-democratic murdering extortionists of the IRA, can you really complain about getting stopped by customs when you enter Britain? Bunch of wankers. Do they now support the continuity IRA?
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