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Loko Parentis

County: Cork

Genre: Punk

Decades Active: 1980s, 2000s

A special project band put together by Paul O'Mahony of Cork punk band Berserk - blending turbo-charged pop-punk ditties, screaming feedback, twisted funk and mangled dark groove

About Loko Parentis

A group put together by Paul O'Mahony of Cork punk band of Berserk, primarily for the purpose of studio collaboration. There were 2 different iterations of the group, the first was in 1981 when O'Mahony came up with the idea of a one day recording session with members of Cork's punk/new wave scene. This version of the band included members of Berserk and Nun Attax. A highly rated demo tape resulted from this session but the material was not officially released.

The second iteration came about in 2006 when O'Mahony assembled a different group of musicians for a three day recording session. This resulted in an album The Other Side of Fear released in 2009. This version of band did some gigs, including the Oxegen festival in 2007.

How the name 'Loko Parentis' came about:

The group's name is derived from the Latin legal term, in loco parentis, meaning 'in place of parent', i.e. a guardian. Long, long ago (!), Paul and Liam Ronayne (now City Librarian at Cork City Library, Ireland, and a very cool one at that) were kicking around some good names for bands ('as you do!') and Liam 'donated' the name to Paul, who stuck a 'k' in 'loko' and got the band in the studio.


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