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County: Monaghan

Genre: Heavy Metal/Hard Rock

Decades Active: 2000s

Alt. hard rock/screamo band from Dublin, active 2002 to 2007

About Morello

Morello were formed in 2002 by three brothers and a best friend from Co. Monaghan and a wayward Italian bass player and they made Dublin their base. Perfecting their sound and style, which has been described as Emo, Screamo, and simply Alternative Rock, Morello gigged around Ireland building a solid fan base. Their first single a double AA release of ‘Hold On’ and ‘Alarm’ reached the top twenty in Ireland.

In May of 2005 Morello packed in their day jobs, left everything they knew and moved to the US. There they signed a three album worldwide to Evo/Universal.They released their debut album Twelve Ways To Breathe in 2006.

In 2007 they were on tour in Japan but after lead singer Steve damaged his vocal chords they had to cancel the rest of the tour. As this was just one in a series of setbacks they decided to call it a day.


verushka wrote on 2006-08-19 00:00:00:
i saw them in las vegas, they are great!
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