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County: Dublin

Decades Active: 1980s

Blended Irish folk with rock. Members included Donal Lunny, Davey Spillanne, Christy Moore, Declan Sinnott.

About Moving Hearts

Moving Hearts is an Irish Celtic rock band formed in 1981, known for blending traditional Irish music with rock, jazz, and political themes. The band was initially formed by Dónal Lunny and Christy Moore, both of Planxty, who aimed to merge contemporary music with Irish folk. They expanded their lineup to include prominent musicians such as Keith Donald (alto sax), Eoghan O'Neill (bass), Brian Calnan (drums), and Davy Spillane (uilleann pipes). The band quickly gained a following, especially through their residency at the Baggot Inn in Dublin.

Their early albums, Moving Hearts and The Dark End of the Street, featured politically charged songs, often addressing the conflict in Northern Ireland. The group operated as a cooperative, with all members sharing profits and costs. After some lineup changes, including the departure of Christy Moore in 1982 and the addition of Mick Hanly, the band performed at prestigious venues like the Montreux Jazz Festival and recorded a live album in 1983, Live Hearts.

In the mid-1980s, Moving Hearts became an instrumental group, releasing The Storm in 1985. The band ceased touring in 1984, only making occasional festival appearances. After a farewell concert in 1990, the band disbanded, but they reunited in 2007 for select concerts. The band has continued to reunite periodically, with the 2022 lineup featuring Lunny, Spillane, Donald, O'Neill, Eccles, Drennan, Bradley, and Henderson.


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