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Puppy Love Bomb

Puppy Love Bomb

County: Dublin

Decades Active: 1990s

Early 90's Dublin band

About Puppy Love Bomb

Puppy Love Bomb were a Dublin band formed in 1993, they signed to the Rough Trade label and went on to release 3 singles ("Too Busy Thinking", "Not Listening E.P.", "Bobby Milk E.P.") before going their separate ways.

Marc Carroll went on to form a band in London called The Hormones in 1995, before embarking on a solo career.


  1. Marc Carroll [Vocals & Guitar]
  2. Neil Dowling [Drums & Percussion]
  3. Alan Cullivan [Bass Guitar]

Former members included Jamie Meagan


Puppy Love Bomb - Not Listening


anon wrote on 2013-02-04 00:00:00:
Hi The band was joined in 1995 by Adam Smith (guitar) and Joe Rodgers (drums) after original drummer Neil left. After demoing many of the songs that ended up as The Hormones, the group split. Cullivan, Smith and Rodgers went on to form Eva Dallas
Greg Pav wrote on 2012-05-13 00:00:00:
Loved the few songs I have heard by them
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