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Shane MacGowan

Shane MacGowan

County: Tipperary

Decades Active: 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, 2020s

The Pogues main man formed The Popes after departing from The Pogues as well as doing collaborations with other artists

About Shane MacGowan

Shane MacGowan was best known as the lead vocalist and primary song writer of the The Pogues who shook the music world up with their infectious blend of punk and folk.

Born in Kent, England, to Irish parents, MacGowan moved to Tipperary as a child before returning to England. He attended prestigious schools but was expelled for drug offences. His youth was marked by struggles with addiction, including a psychiatric stay at age 17. He became active in the London punk scene and achieved some notoriety in being written about in an NME article sensationalist entitled 'Cannibalism at Clash gig' when he was involved in a bit of mayhem at an early Clash gig in 1976. In 1976 he, then going by the name 'Shane O'Hooligan', formed a punk band called Nipple Erectors (later shortened to The Nips) with bassist Shanne Bradley.

In 1982, after the breakup of The Nips, MacGowan co-founded Pogue Mahone (later shortened to The Pogues). The Pogues fusion of punk and traditional Irish music gained international fame, particularly with the albums Rum, Sodomy & the Lash (1985) and If I Should Fall from Grace with God (1988). MacGowan co-wrote the Christmas hit "Fairytale of New York" (1987), which remains iconic in the UK and Ireland. However, in 1991, due to his ongoing addiction issues, he was dismissed from The Pogues.

MacGowan went on to form Shane MacGowan and the Popes, releasing two albums in the 1990s. He later reunited with The Pogues for tours from 2001 until 2014, but their relationships became strained. He continued performing with other groups and artists, including his 2010–2011 band, the Shane Gang.

Throughout his life, MacGowan faced severe health problems, including issues from alcohol and drug abuse. Despite periods of sobriety, his health deteriorated, leading to a hip injury in 2015 and struggles with pneumonia in his final years. He died on November 30, 2023, aged 65, after a prolonged illness. His passing was widely mourned, with tributes pouring in from artists and fans alike and his funeral was a celebration of his work with some of his songs performed by the likes of Nick Cave, Imelda May, Liam Ó Maonlaí, Declan O'Rourke, Mundy, Camille O'Sullivan, Glen Hansard, Lisa O'Neill and members of The Pogues.


Shane MacGowan And The Popes - The Song With No Name


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