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The Altered Hours

County: Cork

Genre: Punk

Decades Active: 2010s, 2020s

Post-punk / noise rock / alternative group based in Cork City

About The Altered Hours

The Altered Hours are post-punk / noise rock group hailing from Cork City. Their music delves into expansive psychedelic realms, raw post-punk textures, hypnotic rhythms, and dynamic structures. They feature dual lead vocals of Elaine Howley and Cathal MacGabhann, alongside Patrick Cullen on bass and effects, and Nora Lewon on drums. Drawing from the 'art-punk' tradition. Their influences include The Velvet Underground, Sonic Youth, Pixies, Iceage, Lydia Lunch, Spacemen 3, and Stereolab.

They have released the albums In Heat Not Sorry in 2016 and Convertible in 2021.

The Altered Hours toured Europe with Fontaines D.C. in 2019, performing at sold-out venues like Le Bataclan in Paris and Paradiso in Amsterdam. The joined Fontaines D.C.again in 2021 for their U.K. tour.


The Altered Hours - Thistle

The Altered Hours - Radiant Wound


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