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County: Dublin

Genre: Punk

Decades Active: 1970s, 1980s

Dublin based new wave band active between 1978 and 1983

About The Atrix

The Atrix were a new wave band formed in mid 1978 by John Borrowman (guitar/vocals) and Chris Green (keyboards), both ex Berlin, Alan Finney on bass (ex Schoolkids) and drummer Hugh Friel, ex Slow Motion Orchestra. This lineup made the first demo recording ("Circus Tragedy") and appeared at the Carnsore Point Anti-Nuclear Rally in 1978. Finney was later replaced by Dick Conroy on bass.

They came out of the same Dublin theatre/cabaret scene as Jim Sheridan, The Radiators, Neil Jordan, Agnes Bernelle, Peter Sheridan and The Virgin Prunes. The Atrix combined a strong theatrical element to quirky but memorable tunes, the most striking examples being the singles "The Moon Is Puce" and "Treasure on the Wasteland".

The band released its first single "The Moon is Puce" on Seamus O'Neill's Mulligan label in late 1979 to modest acclaim in its local market. This first single was produced by Philip Chevron, then a member of The Radiators and later of The Pogues. The band signed to DoubleDee Records label in 1980 and the follow-up single "Treasure on the Wasteland" was produced by Ultravox guitarist and singer Midge Ure. The Atrix also supported The Boomtown Rats on a 1981 four-week tour of Britain ending at The Rainbow in Finsbury Park, London on 18 January 1981. They released their only album, Procession, in 1981.

Borrowman later teamed up with Frank West and the two wrote and recorded songs, playing gigs as Very Much in Love and The Atrix. They released two further singles as The Atrix: "Very Much in Love" and "Your Halo is Burning" (with Chris Green on keyboards and Dick Conroy on bass, produced by Andrew Boland). "Very Much in Love" was subsequently released in Denmark using the band name Afghan Trucks.


The Atrix - The Moon Is Puce, live 1982

The Atrix — Treasure on the Wasteland


Kevin Conway wrote on 2006-08-26 00:00:00:
The Atrix had one album and released a handful of singles. The Moon Is Puce & Treasure On The Wasteland were among them.
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