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The Moondogs

County: Derry

Genre: Punk

Decades Active: 1970s, 1980s

Pop-Punk band from Derry, formed in 1978, split in 1982, re-formed in 2002

About The Moondogs

Gerry McCandless and Austin Barrett became acquainted and had an interest in punk. Before long, and with bass player Vinnie ONeill, they began rehearsing songs. Covers by The Clash, Ramones, Buzzcocks, The Beatles and a few tunes that Gerry had penned. Vinnie had enough after a few weeks and a replacement was needed. In steps Jackie Hamilton, Gerrys younger sisters boyfriend. (Gerry and Jackie are two Beatle freaks - they hit it off straight away he was in.) In October 1978 and after a final rehearsal in Gerrys mothers kitchen, they played for the first time supporting The Undertones in an outdoor gig in the Bull Park Derry


The Moondogs - Ya Don't Do Ya (1981)


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