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The Prescriptions

County: Dublin

Dublin alt. country/indie band formed in 2002

About The Prescriptions

Formed in 2002, The Prescriptions create the type of music that has character. Away from the over-hyped indie rock groups and glossy pop acts, here is a band that writes, sings and plays with a tenacious personality. Fusing together the Americana of a mid-west dustbowl singer, the coarse balladry of a Nashville drunk and the hook-laden sting of a Memphis guitarist, they excite and entertain in the same effortless stroke of creativity.

As reliable as a Grandfather clock, this is a band that makes music that has great depth. On both Eps that they have released to date (Simple Pleasures, Pro Bono Publico) that depth is exploited through the stirring lyrical content and sublime musicianship that forms the structure of their songs. Using a rigid song structure they skilfully bind together a bittersweet flavour of alt. country and indie rock.

Quite simply, The Prescriptions are the type of band that you want to keep a secret. You want to keep their acute harmonies and wry lyrics all to yourself. But a part of you wants to share the songs of rustic beauty with anyone willing to listen. They are the type of band that impresses you more and more with each live performance that you make sure to catch. The Prescriptions are the sincere yet rousing band that you have been waiting years to find.

[bio from their MySpace profile]


Niall Brennan - guitars and vox / Frank McGing - piano & organ / Geoff Dorman - bass, guitars, banjo / Phil Clarke - guitars & vox


Joe Mc Donald wrote on 2022-02-25 00:00:00:
We miss these musicians playing In our village , which is soon to be not a village, These guys brightened up our lives and they are true artisans of music
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