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Walter Mitty And The Realists

Walter Mitty And The Realists

County: Limerick

Decades Active: 2000s

Limerick alt. rock/funk trio

About Walter Mitty And The Realists

Our 3 heroes met on Limericks musical field and decided to play ball,so to speak. One week later a rough 5 track demo was recorded under the watchful eye of Cathal Mac Donnagh, who kept his other eye on his expensive gear and its distance from our shady looking (but entirely trustworthy) heroes pockets. A few live shows were sheduled + recieved with much hype from public and press, so, what initially started as a side-project for the 3 gents quickly became their priorty. Since then they've been keepin themselves busy, constantly writing and gigging with Irish + UK heroes like Giveamanakick, Vesta Varro, Red Kid, The Aftermath, Super Stanley 800, Berkeley to mention a few. In September 2007 they appeared at the HARD WORKING CLASS HEROES showcase..


  • Colin Bartley - upright and electric bass
  • Niall Mac Taidhg - guitars, vocals
  • Pol O'Seachnasaigh- drums, vocals


person wrote on 2008-10-08 00:00:00:
absolute brilliance live
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