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County: Dublin

Genre: Heavy Metal/Hard Rock

Decades Active: 2000s

Xerosun are a Dublin based metal band

About Xerosun

Xerosun was formed back in January 2003 by Fiacra Kelly. Creating a unique, explosive and energetic sound of industrial hard rock/metal, combined with an eclectic mix of influences, their portfolio of original material has led them to a variety of venues and wowing an array of audiences all across Ireland. By June 2004 the band had recorded and released their first EP “Ghost”. By the summer of 2005 the band had financed and filmed their first music video for the fan favorite “Ghost”. By August of that year the band had returned to the studio to record their follow up EP "Kerosene". In January 2006, Xerosun performed live to half a million people on Irish National television. Lead vocals were replaced by vocalist/bassist Ivan O’Sullivan, and Fiacra moved from bass duties to guitar. They released their second EP titled “Broken”. Due to personal reasons and family commitments, Xerosun saw the departure of their drummer and lead guitarist. October 2008 saw the band relocate to a new studio and begin their search for two new members to complete the line up. A massive stroke of luck hit them when they found Welsh Guitarist and songwriter Gareth Jeffs. It took until early March 2009 before the band could find someone to take on the mammoth task of fulfilling drumming duties. This mission was assigned to Canadian drumming master Darrin Bell and the line-up was complete. With the new line up in place, the 31st of October 2009 saw the unleashing of Xerosun’s long awaited and heavily anticipated debut album "Absence Of Light", available on a limited edition Digipack format, with art work by Seth Siro Anton.

Xerosun have gone through numerous lineup changes and in 2018 they changed their name to Ascend The Hollow.


Xerosun - Broken

Xerosun - Repent, Rewind, Reset - live 2015


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