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Bill Coleman

Also known as: Glitch Cassidy

County: Cork

Decades Active: 2000s, 2010s

Singer/songwriter/musicain from Cobh, Co. Cork, also put out material under the name Glitch Cassidy

About Bill Coleman

Bill Coleman is a musician from Cork, Ireland. His music has been compared to Elvis Costello and the Cure amongst others. Finger plucked guitars abound, allied with two-fingered keyboard riffs, melodic vocal lines, a catchy turn of phrase and a refreshingly positive attitude. First released by Mango Music on their For Your Machine compilation (both Josh Ritter & Neosupervital were other notable contributors) he went on to release his debut EP on his own label in 2003.

Since adopted by Irish "No Disco" website as one to watch for the future, 2006 saw him being highlighted by Tom Dunne on his "Pet Sounds" radio show as a Rising Artist, and fitting TV & festival appearances and constant gigging into an increasingly busy schedule.

Bill's debut album "Ill Tear My Own Walls Down" was released in 2007. In 2011 he released a second album 'You Can't Buy Back Your Life'. He also released an album 'Input Output' in 2014 under the name Glitch Cassidy.


Bill Coleman - Say It Like You Mean It (as Gaeilge), live on TG4

Bill Coleman - Offer Up The Hope Live


Mairtin wrote on 2008-04-03 00:00:00:
Shame about the sound quality on the cork gig - when it comes to live gigs mobile phones are even worse for quality than the rolling stones mobile! The Deis Roc gig.. well thats an amazing delivery - Irish sung with passion He sings it like he means it!
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