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County: Dublin

Genre: Heavy Metal/Hard Rock

Decades Active: 1990s, 2000s, 2010s

Dublin hardcore/death metal band active between 1999 and 2016

About Coldwar

Coldwar is a Dublin metal band, established in 1999. Originally a Hardcore/Punk group with metal influences, they evolved into a Hardcore-infused Death Metal outfit over time.

Formed by Bernard “Brayo” Brady and Paul “Skinny” Kelly, Coldwar released their demo Gods Of War in 2001 and their debut album Whore Bred & Hell Raised in 2002. After transitioning to a more Death Metal sound, they saw several lineup changes. Brayo left after their debut album, and was replaced by Marty McElhinney. The band continued with a new vocalist, Trevor McLave, and released In The Suns Dead Rays in 2004 and Bloodfire Sunset in 2007. Ian Lawless, a founding member, departed and was replaced by Bert Gore.

The band faced a significant loss in 2009 with the passing of founding member Paul “Skinny” Kelly. Despite this, they persevered and released Christus Deathshead in 2011. They gained recognition through successful live appearances and tours across the UK, Europe, and the US, sharing stages with bands like Primordial and Anthrax.

In 2012, the band saw further lineup changes with Eoin Broughal temporarily replaced by Domonic McMahon, and later by Dave Greene. Their album Pantheist was released in 2014 to critical acclaim. Coldwar disbanded on January 10, 2016.


Coldwar - 13th Moon (Official Video)


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