Not to be confused with the 80's Colenso Parade from Belfast, Colenso Parade were three lads from Omagh, and 1 from Plumbridge, Co. Tyrone who started playing together around 2006. A few years later when they moved to Belfast for university they named the band after a street beside where they were living - as luck would have it, the same damn street as another band had named itself after over 2 decades earlier!
The band gigged around Belfast, Omagh and Derry for a few years, released a few demos which were well received but they disbanded in 2011. The bassist, Phil Taggart, went on to be a BBC Radio 1 DJ. Lead guitarist Mickey McCullagh remains a part of the Belfast music scene under the name 'Son Of The Hound'. Paul 'Melly' Mellon and frontman Fergal Lindsay also remain involved in the music scene.
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