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County: Cavan

Decades Active: 2000s, 2010s, 2020s

Critically acclaimed folky singer-songwriter from Cavan with a unique voice

About Lisa O'Neill

Lisa O'Neill grew up in Ballyhaise, County Cavan. Her first album, Has An Album, was released in 2009. In 2011, David Gray invited her to open for him on his American and Canadian tour and she was also part of his touring band for a time.

Her 2013 and 2018 albums were nominated for the Choice Music Prize.

In 2017, O'Neill was featured in the film Song of Granite, in which she sang "The Galway Shawl". That year, Donal Dineen and Miles O'Reilly showcased her in their seminal YouTube survey of contemporary Irish folk artists, This Ain't No Disco. She sang her own Factory Girl with Radie Peat of Lankum.

O'Neill won Best Original Folk Track with "Rock the Machine" (from her album Heard a Long Gone Song) at the 2019 RTÉ Radio 1 Folk Awards, and was nominated for Folk Singer of the Year, Best Traditional Track, Best Original Track and Best Album at the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards in the same year.

In 2021, O'Neill's cover of Dylan's All the Tired Horses reached a huge mainstream audience when it was featured in the final episode of Peaky Blinders.


Lisa O'Neill - Rock The Machine

Lisa O'Neill - Silver Seed

Lisa O'Neill - No Train to Cavan


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