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County: Dublin

Genre: Heavy Metal/Hard Rock

Decades Active: 1990s, 2000s

Long running death metal band from Dublin, formed by members of Morphosis

About Morphosis

Morphosis was a re-branding of the previous iteration of the band Asphyxia that had been around since the mid-80s. They were active from 1992 to 1996 and released some demos during that time. They reformed in 2006 and put out an album, Rise of the Bastard Deities in 2009. They split in 2011. Some members would go on to be part of other Irish metal bands including Apostate Viaticum and Mourning Beloveth.


  1. David "George" Thomas - Bass
  2. Andrew Kavanagh - Drums
  3. Vinnie O'Brian - Guitars
  4. Squelch - Vocals

Previous Members

  1. Pete Brady - Bass
  2. Pete Murray - Drums
  3. Sam Lambert - Drums
  4. Darren Moore - Vocals
  5. Paul Marten - Vocals
  6. Pete Richardson - Vocals
  7. Jason Connolly - Drums


Morphosis - Preyed Upon

Morphosis - Kindred


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