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The Great Western Squares

County: Dublin

Decades Active: 1990s

Dublin based alt-country outfit formed by Gary Fitzpatrick; active in the second half of the 90s

About The Great Western Squares

Formed during the summer of 1996 – originally a one-off, impromptu project assembled by Gary Fitzpatrick (formerly of the noise band Pincher Martin) to play a “Johnny Cash Appreciation Society” showcase in Dublin, the group’s debut performance went over so well that it soon became an ongoing concern. By October, the Squares were playing on a weekly basis, covering classics by everyone from Hank Williams to Gram Parsons to Jimmy Webb, and in early 1997 they recorded the album, Judas Steer, featuring both originals and covers including an excellent country cover of Motorhead's Ace of Spades (see video below). A second album, Almost Sober, a collection of originals, followed a year later.

The Great Western Squares were:

  1. Gary Fitzpatrick (vocals, acoustic guitars, piano, melodica, harmonica),
  2. Oona White (vocals, jews harp, melodica)
  3. Gary O’Growney (mandolin, bass)
  4. Stan Erraught (electric, lead and slide guitars, lap dulcimer)
  5. Tim Rogers (fiddle, mandolin), Alan Murphy (drums) and Pat McGauley (bass)


The Great Western Squares - Ace of Spades


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