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The Jimmy Cake

The Jimmy Cake

County: Dublin

Decades Active: 2000s

Experimental multi-instrumental indie group from Dublin

About The Jimmy Cake

The Jimmy Cake are a nine member musical collective which began performing in Dublin in the late nineties under the name Das Madman. They released their debut album, 'Brains', in 2001, and in 2002 released 'Dublin Gone. Everybody Dead'. In 2003 they put out a mini-album, 'Superlady'. Their third full length album 'Spectre and Crown' was released to critical acclaim in 2008.


  • Lisa Carey - Clarinet
  • John Dermody - Drums
  • Vincent Dermody - Guitar
  • Dara Higgins - Bass
  • Paul Smyth - Piano, Keyboards, Violin
  • Jurgen Simpson - Accordion & Keyboards
  • Thomas Parkes - trumpet
  • Alex McMahon - saxophone
  • Michael Fleming

Past Members: Rory Carr (2001 - 2002) - Percussion, Simon O'Connor - Guitar, Glockenspiel, John Brown - Trumpet & Banjo, Diarmuid MacDiarmada - Saxophones, Percussion, Mischa Langemeijer


Video for Hungry Ghosts

Eye Of The Cowboy Live in the Spiegeltent, October 2004


Andy wrote on 2006-05-24 00:00:00:
Vinny works in Tower Records.
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