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Two Tales Of Woe

County: Dublin

Genre: Heavy Metal/Hard Rock

Decades Active: 2000s, 2010s, 2020s

Dublin based four-piece sludge/doom metal band formed in 2005

About Two Tales Of Woe

Two Tales Of Woe are an Dublin based four-piece metal band. They released their debut album 'A Conversation With Death' in 2009.

Founded in 2005 by vocalist Carl King, Two Tales Of Woe have built a formidable reputation as one of the most crushing and exciting live bands to emerge from the Irish Metal explosion in the last decade. Their sound is part Doom, Part Sludge or as the band call it ‘SLOOM’ and combines the best of both genres, with influences such as Crowbar, Down, Black Sabbath, Corrosion Of Conformity, Cathedral and Entombed as well as ZZ TOP, Thin Lizzy and Mastadon.


Two Tales Of Woe - Dark side of life


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