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Vesta Varro

County: Limerick

Decades Active: 2000s

Limerick indie band, released debut album in 2007

About Vesta Varro

Vesta Varro's debut album 'Exit Here' was released on June 8th 2007. The first two singles entered the Irish Top 40. The album was recorded in legendary recording studios, Windmill Lane in Dublin with triple Grammy award winning producer Richard Rainey (U2/Mansun) and engineer Kieran Lynch (REM/Elvis Costello). Their first single 'Blue Mirror Boy' was recorded and produced by Crowded House bass player, Nick Seymour.

Having been named as "ones to watch" by the NME, Vesta Varro have just returned from a very successful trip to Canada where they were named as 'Best Band' at the prestigious 'Indie Week' festival in Toronto.

2008 sees Vesta Varro returning to Canada to release their album and to perform at several music festivals including a triumphant return to the Indie Week Festival.

Vesta Varro's voracious live performances have led to a multitude of supports with the likes of Editors, The Thrills, BellX1, Damien Dempsey, Republic Of Loose, Sultans of Ping and The Wonderstuff. They also appeared at the Bud Rising Festival, O2 Wireless Festival and the Hard Working Class Heroes Festival.

Their tracks have appeared on various compilation albums including, 272 Records, Riot On Sunset (Hollywood CA), Starving Kids Records, Have You Heard (Australia), Hotpress magazine (Ireland) and the forthcoming Afrikool Records release in Germany.

Vesta Varro are currently touring in support of their debut album and while also finding time to work on new recordings with The Cranberries guitarist Noel Hogan.


Vesta Varro are: Damien Drea (vocals), Keith Forde (guitars), Peter Forde (guitars), Rod Smith (bass), and Shane Lee (drums).


Vesta Varro perform Weighted Love on Balcony TV

Vesta Varro perform acoustic version of Pyramid Clocks on TG4


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