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Simple Kid

County: Cork

Decades Active: 2000s, 2020s

Simple Kid is Cork born Ciaran McFeely who plays a trippy, folky brand of music backed by the rest of his band (his laptop)

About Simple Kid

Ciaran McFeely started off in a band formed with school mates in Cork called 'The V-Necks' which later evolved into 'The Young Offenders' but they didn't go anywhere. After spending some time in USA he moved to London where he started recording under the name Simple Kid. His sound is a modern take on folk music like what you might get if you crossed Beck with Neil Young. Simple Kid released his debut album entitled '1' in 2003 (2004 in US). He had a top 40 hit in the UK with 'Truck On'.

After vanishing from the radar for awhile, Simple Kid returned in 2006 with release of the double A side single 'The Ballad Of Elton John'/'Serotonin' followed by his second album, logically titled '2', in October 2006 (released August 2007 in US).

Following the second album, Mac Feely quietly stepped back from the music business and transitioned into a teaching career in the UK. In 2018, a return to songwriting and home recording led to the revival of the Simple Kid name in 2022, culminating in the self-release of a third album Health & Safety featuring songs from that period, marking the start of his comeback. His first Irish gig in over a decade was met with acclaim from audiences at Whelan's in Dublin in April 2023.

Incidentally Ciaran's brother Alan was bass player in Sultans Of Ping.


Simple Kid - Old Domestic Cat, Other Other Voices, 2007

Simple Kid - Ballad Of Elton John, Other Voices, 2007

Simple Kid - Serotonin, Other Voices, 2007

Simple Kid - Self-Help Book live


jh wrote on 2009-04-30 00:00:00:
Horslips' Pet wrote on 2008-04-25 00:00:00:
I really liked the song from Simple Kid here and all the stuff on MySpace sounds really good, good lead to a CD purchase. He has a very professional MySpace site and has done out his main website in the same style, worth checking out.
Lee Templeton wrote on 2007-05-11 00:00:00:
You can see a great performance of Simple Kid on this last season's Other Voices at the site and then tv/othervoices/simplekid
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