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County: Wexford

Decades Active: 2000s

Acoustic folk-rock pop fantastic vocals

About ODi

ODi is the stage name of Wexford singer/songwriter Claire Odlum.In her own words, ODi is "An Irish female singer/guitar player, joined by Dave Redfearn on guitar and harmonica. Her voice covers a large range and has a powerful but haunting quality, a wonderful mix of gentle Irish tinged vocals with energetic choruses that get inside of you and draw you in."

ODi released three singles called Crave, What You Believe and A Superman. She released an album, Maslow's Songbook, in 2009.


ODi - One In A Million


Mairtin wrote on 2009-04-12 00:00:00:
The debut album has been mixed/produced by Karl Odlum (Frames,Lerner etc)with some very special guesting by Colm MacConIoamaire (Frames) and Ken McHugh(Automata) with David Redfern on guitar.Expect Meteors on this one peeps!
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