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Bury Me With My Money

Bury Me With My Money

County: Mayo

Decades Active: 2010s, 2020s

Alternative rock band from Co. Mayo

About Bury Me With My Money

Bury Me With My Money is a four piece alternative rock band from Co. Mayo. BMWMM was originally formed as a solo project in 2017 by songwriter/musician/vocalist Tomás Concannon as part of Umbrella Records after his previous band Ka tet had split. The debut EP 'Karosi' was produced by Joseph Padfield, who become the bands bassist in 2020. In 2021, BMWMM released their second EP 'Life as it comes'. This would be a full band effort, with Adam Downey on drums and Oisin Brennan on guitars.


Bury Me With My Money - Power of Flight


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