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Era Vulgaris

County: Dublin

Genre: Heavy Metal/Hard Rock

Decades Active: 2000s, 2010s

Prog-metal/thrash band formed in Dublin in 2004, describe their music as 'Led Zeppelin playing Death'

About Era Vulgaris

Formed in Dublin, in 2004, from the ashes of a band called Gambit. Founding members were Chris Rob (vocals, guitars), Dave Buttner (bass, vocals) and Jim Kent (lead guitars). Era Vulgaris is the title of the 2007 Queens Of The Stone Age album, but the band were got their name well before that came out. Chris Rob came across the band name in the writings of Aleister Crowley who coined the pseudo-Latin phrase. Recruiting drummer Chris Con in 2005 gave them a further unique sound, a drummer with a new found passion for metal whose only prior drumming experience was break beat, jazz and electronica - things were starting to get interesting.

Their debut album What Stirs Within was entirely self-financed and then released through Open Your Ears Music, a label started by the band to gain the attention of distributors and press who would otherwise have passed them off as another unsigned metal band. The album has been lauded in all corners, Rock Sound Magazine named them as one of their 100 bands to watch in 2007, calling them "prog-metal overlords in waiting" and the album has received stunning reviews so far ("an eight track stunner...get it" Live4Metal, "a sound that is consistently their own...listen to it" MetalIreland, "a great cd...a must hear" MetalTeamUK) and slowly the name is starting to spread out beyond their Emerald Isle and across the seas.

In November of 2007 the band announced the departure of Jim Kent and Chris Con. Chris Rob and Dave Buttner relocated to London in 2008, enlisting Jamie Stungo (lead guitars) and Anthony Pellier (drums) to complete the line-up.

During 2009 they recorded a couple of new tracks to release as a 2-track promo called, ‘From Behind Enemy Lines’, but difficulties with the studio led to the band not being happy with the finished tracks. The band eventually released the track From Behind Enemy Lines in 2013. Sometime after that the band was put on hold.


Era Vulgaris - Brittle


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