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County: Galway

Genre: Heavy Metal/Hard Rock

Decades Active: 2010s

Galway Folk Metal band, active 2012-19

About Na Cruithne

Na Cruithne were a six piece Folk Metal group from Galway City, Ireland. Their style incorporates elements of Groove and Black Metal with heavy influences from traditional Irish, Scottish and Breton music.The Irish language features heavily in the lyrics with almost half of the songs as Gaeilge.

As is common in the Irish metal scene, Na Cruithne have lots of links with other Irish bands. Guitarist Ronán O’ H’Arrachtáin is vocalist of Ten Ton Slug. Vocalist Maitiú O’Héanu is formally of hardcore/punk outfit Psychopigs. Drummer Lisa Howe was previously with Darkest Era and Jay Grimm who took over on drums from Howe is in the band Organ Blender.

Na Cruithne relaeased the album Gairm An Fhiántais in 2017.


Na Cruithne - Fhoinnuisce


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