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County: Dublin

Decades Active: 2000s

Five piece band from Swords, Co. Dublin

About Offshore

Offshore were a band from Swords, Co. Dublin. Boasting five songwriters, the band have a rich and varies sound.

After making a successful appearance at Hard Working Class Heroes 07, the following April saw Offshore declared winners of the Phantom FM Battle of the Bands ahead of 60 other top Irish Bands. Winning the competition gave the band a coveted slot on the 2FM New Band's Stage at the Oxegen Festival.

In February 2009, the band released their debut single 'Small Fires / Balcony Waves' single.


  1. Daire Ennis - Vocals / Piano
  2. Dec Farrell - Guitar / Vocals
  3. Eoghan Keenan - Drums
  4. Gav Mercer - Guitar
  5. Jason Nulty - Bass / Vocals


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