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The Panic Merchants

County: Donegal

Decades Active: 1980s, 1990s

From Cavan and Donegal but based in Dublin, active 1986-1987 and 1989-1991

About The Panic Merchants

The Panic Merchants were active from the late eighties to about 1991. They gigged extensively around Ireland during that time. They first came to attention when their track "Retro" was included on a Comet Compilation (vinyl!!!!) in 1989. Appeared regular frequently on Fanning show. Released Firewalkin' ep and Justice/Swerve single.

From Cavan and Donegal but based in Dublin, The Panic Merchants went through two distinct phases; 1986-1987 from whence today’s tracks date and 1989-1991 when they had a second bite at the proverbial cherry. Originally The Panic Merchants were Justin Kelly (vocals), David Meagher (guitar), Paddy Glackin (bass) and Noel Larkin (drums). Aidan McNamara (bass) replaced Paddy Glackin in 1989 and Stephen Farrell (keyboards) joined in 1990. During their first outing the band had a track ‘Retro’ featured on the ‘Comet 2‘ compilation. The second lineup released the ‘Firewalking’ EP and recorded a further single ‘Swerve’ which was never released.


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