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The Sluagh

County: Dublin

Genre: Heavy Metal/Hard Rock

Decades Active: 2010s, 2020s

Progressive symphonic death metal band based in Dublin

About The Sluagh

The Sluagh are a progressive symphonic death metal group based in Dublin. The six piece formed in 2017 in Dublin and has members from of different nationalities including Ireland, Colombia, Mauritius and Poland and features three guitarists.

The Sluagh released their debut album ‘Enivid Creatures’ in 2022. They also released a classically scored version of the album, ‘Enivid Creatures 2’.


  1. Seán Blacklock (guitar),
  2. Killian Chellar (guitar),
  3. Avinash Appadoo (guitar)
  4. Krzysztof Sowa (bass)
  5. Jorge Nino (vocals)
  6. Gabriel Raffo (drums)


The Sluagh (snippet - Metal 2 The Masses 2023)


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