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And So I Watch You From Afar

And So I Watch You From Afar

County: Derry

Genre: Heavy Metal/Hard Rock

Decades Active: 2000s, 2010s, 2020s

Northern Irish instrumental guitar rock band incorporating elements of progressive, noise rock, hardcore, metal, punk in their own original brew

About And So I Watch You From Afar

AND SO I WATCH YOU FROM AFAR, commonly shortened to just ASIWYFA, is an instrumental math rock / post-rock band from Derry and based in Belfast. They were formed in 2005 and released their self-titled debut album in 2009.The band consists of Rory Friers and Niall Kennedy on guitars, Ewen Friers on bass and Chris Wee on drums. ASIWYFA takes pride in their interaction with fans/audiences and run very rigorous touring schedules. The band has maintained a strong live presence and has seen various lineup changes and collaborations throughout their career.

The band initially gained attention with their self-released EP and debut album, which led to chart success with their 2011 album Gangs. Over the years, they've evolved their sound, incorporating vocals and multimedia elements in projects like Heirs and Jettison. Their 2024 album Megafauna (their seventh) marks a return to their earlier, more straightforward style and it made our list of best albums of 2024.


And So I Watch You From Afar - Set Guitars To Kill

And So I Watch You From Afar - North Coast Megafauna - Music Video

And So I Watch You From Afar - A Little Solidarity Goes A Long Way, live in Paris

And So I Watch You From Afar on Audiotree Live

And So I Watch You From Afar - 7 Billion People (Live with Ulster Orchestra)


alexander capozzella wrote on 2009-11-05 00:00:00:
Great Band.
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