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County: Dublin

Decades Active: 1990s, 2000s, 2010s

Estel were a Dublin based instrumental rock group started by two sisters from Co. Roscommon. To date they have released four albums.

About Estel

Estel, a four-piece underground rock band, formed in Dublin in 1999 were a mainstay on the Dublin scene for about a decade and a half. Members came and went over the years, keyboardist Sarah Shiel remained the only original throughout and drummer Andrew Bushe was almost as long-serving.


Estel - Boudiour Fingers


bushie. wrote on 2006-11-03 00:00:00:
Our new album is out now (oct.2006). It features collaborations with darren moloney (betamax format) and mike watt (stooges, minutemen).
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