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Mugger Dave

County: Galway

Decades Active: 2000s

Galway punk-pop trio formed in 2007

About Mugger Dave

Mugger Dave were a pop rock power trio from Galway City that were formed in January 2007. The band was comprised of Simon Noble (Lead Vocals / Guitar), Seán Herriott (Bass / Backing Vocals) & Níall Curran (Drums).

The group's collective experience shows in the tightness of their performance, with all three members knowing exactly what they want to create: a hard-hitting rock band, with catchy, feel-good melodies reminiscent of the Kinks, underlined by driving basslines and a heavy, no-nonsense drumbeat.

Their energetic live shows are driven by the powerhouse rhythm section, overlayed with unique melodies and imaginative harmonies. Simon describes his lyrics as being "an infectious blend of coy coyness and social satire".

November of 2007 saw the launch of their debut E.P. 'Girly No. 1'. Their debut album What's She Doing Here was released in 2010.

Mugger Dave were regulars at the Roisin Dubh, Galway's renowned live music venue.


Mugger Dave - The Women


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