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Odd Morris

County: Dublin

Decades Active: 2010s, 2020s

Post-punk four piece from Dublin

About Odd Morris

Odd Morris consists of Daragh Griffin on vocals, Kris Hassett on guitar, Ciarán McCarthy on bass and Sam Martin on drums. They initially met as teenagers wile attending the same school. They took their band name from the author of a Maths book, O.D. Morris.

Their rehearsal space is Yellow Door Music Studios in Dublin’s North Strand area which has become something of a focal point for Dublin’s emergent post-punk scene, with bands including Gilla Band, Fontaines D.C. and The Murder Capital using it for rehearsals.

Their first single, What Might Be, was released in 2020. Their debut EP Cityscape the Ballet was released in 2021.


Odd Morris - The Nothing New


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