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County: Dublin

Decades Active: 1980s, 1990s

Late 80s, early 90s pop/rock act

About Shaine

Shaine were brothers Barry and Karl Doyle along with Mick McKenna and Eamonn Dunn. In 1989 Shaine released the "Trouble with love", then "Hands of time". In 1991 they had a hit with "Dreamtown". A 6 track min-album called Far Out was released in 1992.

Band Members

  1. Mick McKenna
  2. Barry Doyle
  3. Karl Doyle
  4. Eamonn Dunn


Shaine - Dreamtown


guitarfix wrote on 2011-08-08 00:00:00:
where can i get the music of this band?
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