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The Fleadh Cowboys

The Fleadh Cowboys

Decades Active: 1980s

Dublin-based folk-rock/country band formed in 1985

About The Fleadh Cowboys

The Fleadh Cowboys are a Dublin-based folk-rock and country band that formed in 1985. Founded by Johnny Moynihan (Sweeney's Men, Planxty, De Dannan), Pete Cummins, and Frankie Lane in Kenny's pub on Westland Row, they soon added electric guitarist Jimmy Faulkner and bassist Garvan Gallagher, along with drummer Fran Breen. With the addition of Phil Donnelly and Paul Kelly among others, they established a long-running residency at Dublin's Olympia Theatre, where they featured special guests each week. Notable performers included Mary Coughlan, Shane MacGowan, The Waterboys, The Hothouse Flowers, Nanci Griffith, John Prine, and Joe Ely.

The Fleadh Cowboys toured with renowned acts such as Bob Dylan, The Pogues, The Waterboys, and Emmylou Harris. They disbanded in 1990 but later reunited for gigs and recordings.

In May 2011, Pete Cummins reformed the band for a charity event at Dublin's Button Factory, inviting artists such as Lisa Hannigan, Liam Ó Maonlaí, Henry McCullough, Gay Woods, Mundy, Tír na nÓg and many others to participate. Following the death of guitarist Henry McCullough in March 2013, Cummins organized another reunion to honour him, featuring contributions from artists including Christy Moore, Mick Spillane, and many others, with BP Fallon and Ronan Collins as hosts.


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