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County: Cork

Decades Active: 1990s

Indie rock band from Cork, active in the 90s

About The Shanks

The Shanks were formed in Newmarket, north Co. Cork in the early 90s before relocating to Cork City in '91. They were known for their unique fusion of indie rock, punk, Irish folk, and experimental noise.

The early line up of the group featured Tim Murphy [Guitar & Vocals], Eoin 'Stan' O'Sullivan [Guitar], Mick Hayes [Bass Guitar] and Niall Lynch [Drums]. However, Tim left the following year. The band continued as a 3-piece with Eoin and Mick assuming vocal duties. They recorded a session for Dave Fanning's show in 1992.

The Shanks released two albums, ‘The Prawn Lawn’ in 1995 and ‘Brang’ in 1999. The Prawn Lawn, showed promise, but it was Brang that truly showcased their potential. It blended indie rock and folk with experimental sounds. Despite its critical acclaim, Brang marked the end of their ten-year journey, with the band disbanding shortly after its release due to burnout and internal tensions.

Stan O'Sullivan went on to form Stanley Super 800 as well as being part of folk/trad outfit The Céilí Allstars.


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