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Irish Bands & Artists from Co. Donegal

List of Co. Donegal Bands/Artists

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ClannadDonegal band Clannad were originators of the new-age celtic sound
DecayorDoom/Death metal band from Donegal active between 2001 and 2011
Ego MinefieldLate 80s/early 90s power-pop 4 piece from from Letterkenny, Co. Donegal
EnyaAfter leaving Clannad Enya went on to become an international success with her multi-layered new agey soundscapes
Goats Don't ShavePopular folk/folk rock group from Donegal had a big hit in the early 90s with Las Vegas in the hills of Donegal, Split up around 2000.
Graveyard DirtDoom metal band from Co. Donegal formed in 1994
PavesiPop/rock group from Donegal Town
Philip MorrowAlt folk/indie artist from Donegal now based in Galway; recorded under the band name, The Red Rose Cafe
Screaming OrphansLong running pop/rock and folk band of four sisters from Bundoran; relocated to New York in early 2000s
Seán NeedhamSinger/Songwriter from Donegal, based in Dublin for several years; Relocated to Denmark
The Panic MerchantsFrom Cavan and Donegal but based in Dublin, active 1986-1987 and 1989-1991
The RevsDonegal trio formed in 2000
Voodoo LoonsAlt/indie/psychedelic band with one foot in Ireland and the other in the U.S

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