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Irish Bands & Artists from Co. Kilkenny

List of Co. Kilkenny Bands/Artists

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20 Bulls EachHardcore Irish punk/metal band from Dublin/Kilkenny.
Cat DowlingDublin-based, Kilkenny-born indie pop artist
Chemical Addiction4 piece Hard Rock/Grunge band from Kilkenny.
DaliFour piece alt. rock outfit from Thomastown Co. Kilkenny
Engine Alley90s pop/rock band formed in Kilkenny in 1989
Frantic StateHard rock/grunge band from Kilkenny, active in mid-late 2000s
KaydeeFour-piece band from Kilkenny
KerbdogGrunge/Metal band from Kilkenny
Mellow CandleFolk rock band of the late 60s / early 70s
My Little Funhouse90s hard rock group from Kilkenny
Myp et JeepKilkenny band formed in 2005
Rarely Seen Above GroundPerformance name for experimental mulit-instrumentalist Jeremy Hickey from Kilkenny
Robert GraceSinger-songwriter from Co. Kilkenny, signed to Sony Records
Slave ZeroDeath metal band from Kilkenny
WiltBand formed by ex-members of Kerbdog

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