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Irish Bands & Artists from Co. Wexford

List of Co. Wexford Bands/Artists

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12 Guage OutrageHeavy/thrash metal band from Wexford formed in 2014
Adebisi Shank3 piece instrumental rock outfit from Wexford & Dublin, active 2006 to 2014
AnimatorThrash metal band from New Ross in Wexford
Black 47New York-based band made up of Irish expatriates named for the the blackest year of the Irish Famine, 1847.
ChaplinFive piece indie/alt country band from Wexford
Chris De BurghFollowing his 1982 hit Don't Pay the Ferryman, De Burg had a massive hit in 1986 with his ballad Lady in Red
Circus of SevenWexford based hard rock/grunge band
Cry Before DawnFour piece from Wexford that aspired to follow in the footsteps of U2 in mid-late 80's
Death Can WaitDeath Can Wait are a 4 piece metal band from Enniscorthy
Def NettleDef Nettle is the Punk-Funk project by musician Glen Brady
ElektronSynth pop with shades of early cure and simple minds; Active 1982-84
MarabouMetal band from Wexford active between 2011 and 2018
No HassleAlt-Punk four-piece from Enniscorthy
ODiAcoustic folk-rock pop fantastic vocals
Soma State Four piece hard edged rock band from Wexford
SovernaThreee piece alt-rock/metal band from Wexford
StoatQuirky trio 2 of which are from Wexford
Zerra 1Wexford four piece founded in 1982 by Paul Bell (ex Lookalikes) and guitarist Andreas Grimminger, who later joined Fatima Mansions

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